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Haiti Tec Energy Fair Expo

Energy Expo


Strengthening Ties: Extending Support to Haiti’s Technical Institute

Building Strong Foundations for Technical Education

Haiti, a land brimming with potential, has always shown a keen interest in harnessing modern technologies to uplift its communities. At the heart of this movement are the local technical institutes, pivotal in nurturing the next generation of tech-savvy professionals. Recognizing their vital role, we have been proactive in extending our unwavering support to these esteemed institutions.

Promotion of Cutting-Edge Products

In an era dominated by rapid technological advancements, staying updated is not just necessary—it’s imperative. To ensure that the students and faculty of the technical institute are always a step ahead, we have introduced them to our range of state-of-the-art products. Our aim is not just to showcase these products but to instill a deep understanding, ensuring that the students can leverage them effectively in real-world scenarios.

Service Beyond Product Supply

Our association with the local technical institute in Haiti is not restricted to just product promotion. We also provide comprehensive services, including training sessions, hands-on workshops, and continuous technical support. This holistic approach ensures that the students are not only familiar with our products but are also adept at utilizing them to their fullest potential.

A Mutual Journey Towards Progress

Our collaboration with the technical institute isn’t a one-sided affair. While we bring our products and expertise to the table, we also gain invaluable insights from these young, vibrant minds. Their feedback, innovative ideas, and fresh perspectives are instrumental in shaping our future product lines and services.


Our commitment to supporting the local technical institute in Haiti is a testament to our belief in empowering communities through education and technology. By promoting our products and offering dedicated services, we aim to foster an environment of growth, innovation, and mutual success.

There are so many talented students coming out of Haiti Tec, prepared with the knowledge in Solar Panels installations. we have to support the new generation.

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Written by Freddy Vasquez

An entrepreneur workaholic, blessed with the luck of working in what I love and being surrounded by exceptional colleagues and family, which allows me to be the best at what I do.


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